Frequently Asked Questions

Why Choose Simply Chosen?

At Simply Chosen, we specialize in creating distinctive jewelry that embraces your individual style and empowers you through timeless designs, reflecting your story with beauty and uniqueness as a woman-owned business. We only purchase from jeweler companies with 30+ years in the business, use the top recommended welder with argon gas to ensure the strongest welds, and complete continuous online training from other professionals.

What is Permanent Jewelry?

Permanent jewelry is a process of welding a custom piece around your wrist, ankle, or neck so that is stays on "permanently" until you decide to remove it. It’s meant to be worn for as long as you’d like. Where there would otherwise be a clasp, the chain is welded together to create a seamless piece of jewelry.

How Long Does It Take?

Each appointment is 30 minutes. We kindly ask that you arrive on time as this will give you enough time to select your chain and charm (optional), fit to your neck, wrist, or ankle, and then zap on your new favorite piece! 

Does it Hurt?

No pain is involved. All you will feel is the joy of having your new permanent piece of jewelry.

What Materials Do You Use?

All of our chains are 14K, sterling silver, or gold-filled. They are made to last!

Why Do You Only Use Dainty Chains?

Since permanent jewelry does not have a clasp, it is worn 24/7 during all your daily activities. These chains are specifically created to be able to break should it get caught/pulled with a strong force. It’s all about safety!

What Equipment Do You Use To Keep Me Safe?

Before each weld, we place a leather patch between the chain and your skin for additional protection. Dark glasses are also provided to you to shield your eyes from the spark, should you choose to watch. 

Can I Shower and Swim With My Jewelry?

Yes! Our jewelry materials are waterproof and safe to wear every day. Normal wear and tear is normal, but your jewelry will go back to its original shine with a little polishing. We always provide a polishing cloth with a permanent jewelry appointment.

What If I Need To Remove My Permanent Jewelry For a Medical Procedure?

No problem! Just cut the jump ring where the chain was welded and keep your chain. Contact us after your procedure and we will set an appointment to re-weld your jewelry.

Can I Purchase Permanent Jewelry with a Clasp (AKA Not Permanent)?

Yes! We even use clasps for our own necklaces.

Can I Place an Order to be Mailed or Picked Up?

100%. Mailed items would require a clasp. Shipping charges will be applied. For pickup, we can set an appointment to weld it on or for pickup.

Can I Host My Own Permanent Jewelry Party?

Yes! Visit our “Parties & Events” page to learn more.

What Are Your Permanent Jewelry Deposit and Late Cancellation Policies?

Simply Chosen Cancellation Policy

Thank you for choosing Simply Chosen for your appointment needs. We appreciate your business and want to ensure a smooth and fair process for all our clients. Please review our cancellation policy below:

  1. Deposit Requirement: A $10 deposit is required to secure your appointment. This deposit will be applied towards your $10 purchase during your appointment.

  2. No-Show or Failure to Reschedule: In the event of a no-show or failure to reschedule within a reasonable time frame (as determined by Simply Chosen), the $10 deposit will be non-refundable, and Simply Chosen will retain the deposit.

  3. Rescheduling: If you need to reschedule your appointment, please do so within a reasonable time frame (as determined by Simply Chosen). In this case, the $10 deposit will be transferred to the rescheduled appointment and applied towards your $10 purchase.

  4. Multiple Reschedules: After two rescheduled appointments, a new $10 deposit will be required to secure any future appointments. This ensures that we can accommodate all our clients effectively.

We understand that unforeseen circumstances may arise, and we will consider exceptions on a case-by-case basis. However, we kindly request your understanding and cooperation with our cancellation policy to provide the best service to all our valued clients.

Thank you for choosing Simply Chosen, and we look forward to serving you. If you have any questions or concerns, please don't hesitate to contact us.

What Are Your Permanent Jewelry Policies?

Once your chain is cut, your sale is final. No returns, refunds or exchanges. Full payment is due at time of service. We accept: Credit Card, ApplePay, Zelle & Cash. Children under 12: For safety purposes, I will be happy to create a custom piece for children under 12 using a clasp or an unwelded jump ring for all jewelry. Children 12 and up, I will do permanent jewelry only when the parent/guardian is present with a signed waiver. Skin reactions can occur if you have any allergies or sensitivities to any metals (gold, silver, or other base metals), based on your body chemistry(foods you eat, low iron), chemicals (pools/spa, cleaners), lotions and/or allergies. Simply Chosen is not responsible for any skin reactions and does not refund for these instances. Although the jewelry is called “permanent”, it is not indestructible. Since we are human and all live very busy lives, overtime you will experience stretching, misshaping and possibly a break due to various reasons since the jewelry is worn 24 hours/7 days a week without a clasp to remove it. The daintier the chain, the more fragile. Should you experience stretching misshaping or a break, please contact me directly for repair. Simply Chosen is not responsible for lost jewelry. If the chain or jump ring breaks, keep your chain and contact me regarding repairs. I will re-weld your jewelry for free if you have your chain. If not, you can purchase the same chain and/or charm with a 30% discount. To be fair, if you are coming back for the 3rd time due to another break, permanent jewelry just may not be for you. At that point, we would need to add a clasp to your jewelry and you will incur a $15.00 charge moving forward for repairs. If you need to remove your jewelry due to any medical procedures, be sure to cut it at the jump ring. Remember to keep the chain & contact me for an appointment to re-weld.

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